What are the main taxes when buying a property?
IMT - Municipal Tax on Onerous Transmissions of Real Estate,
It is the tax paid whenever there is a change in the ownership of a property, the IMT varies according to the purchase price of the deed or tax equity value (whichever is the higher), the rate to be applied (from 1 to 8%) , your location and your purpose, and there may be cases where you may be exempt from paying this tax.
IS - Stamp Duty
It is a tax that arises as a general rule to the execution of contracts for example purchase and sale contract, bank financing contract, among others. It is taxed at 0.8% on the value of the property
IMI - Municipal Property Tax
The IMI varies between 0.3% and 0.8% according to the table in force for each year that is issued by the government and focuses on the "equity value of the property" that you can find out by consulting the property's booklet.
This tax is paid by whoever owns a property on December 31, so if you purchase a property for example on December 1, 202X, in the month of May of the following year you will have IMI to pay which can be paid with your amount once or twice or three times in the months stipulated for that purpose.